Our 2017 San Juan Islands Vacation

Monday, 8.7.2017

We needed to catch an early start to hit the currents in Spieden Channel correctly. The only trouble was there was a pretty good fog in West Sound.

But, we could see a little sun so we had hope it would clear soon. Away from the dock we went and off at a moderate and safe pace.

By the time we got to the end of West Sound the fog and clouds were lifting. That made us feel much better and a bit warmer. It also made the shot through Pole Pass more comfortable.

We passed Deer Harbor and Jones Island and caught a 2.6 westerly current in Spieden Channel that sent us along at a max of 8.3 knots. Sure was better than fighting that current.

Once in Ried Harbor we found an open buoy (folks were starting to leave) and we were all settled in by 11:00. We took a wander to shore to register and pay and then it was time for some kipper snacks, cheese and crackers. And some Rioja rose. We also made some citrus limoncello sangria for the next day.

Since we were on vacation, next task was a nap. Then a hike on the island and back to the boat for more crab louie. We also barbequed some chicken thighs with a dijon vinagrette sauce but were too full from our salad so they went in the cooler for eating at a later time.

We ended the day with some cribbage (Lynn won again and is now 2-0 for the trip), some singing, some burgundy and some dark chocolate (90% cacao). Monday was awesome and Tuesday will be also!